Friday, April 11, 2008

Train Grope Movies Free

English Vocabulary - Piemontese

lot = A new type of pasta filled with steam
A = All ' about, approximately
At sent = He listens to you The bill
Back = (idiom. Sarah's back!: Shut up for once!) =
Bay Beautiful, good looking
Been Good =
Board = Board, Book indoor
margin = value of sexual
Boot-a- lean = Botticella (fig. Person plump and short stature) =
Brick Altura, Broad Peak inaccessible
= Bus = Low, small
Bus = Catino, tub =
But Beat! Strike! But
-easter = Baptist (example: Me But soon-easter / My name is Baptist) =
Call Neck (fig. Man to call / physical aggression.
Can got a dog and cat =
Can cell = metal frames
Can soon = Short piece of music
Cake 'cause Anything
= Car = Expensive, expensive lean
Car Care
= diminutive of Charles-ask = Common Cherasco (CN) =
Cent Play Chess

Cheat = Small = Retreat,
Cabinet Cigar-soon = These workers
How-to = "chimney, flue, chimney
How moon pass = Throw that brick
Cool Cool hat = = What
Cow-set = socks =
Cows Kick, kick-in-all
Cream Delinquent = and dangerous criminal
Cup = Superior as a hierarchical
Cup hat-lean = Small
Dolcetto Wine Fair set = = = Dumb Iron
Fall, of unsound mind
Fans Make a jump-out = =
Feel Rope, wire
Feet rent = rent
Fool-and-run = = Zuzzerellone
Freezer Crumb
Got Small cat in = =
Grease Grey off
Group Node
Hi = = = Home
Garlic Man Human
tell ... = We have them in ... Let =
bed, couch

Look at Milk Light = = = Luchetto
Lord tipsy, drunk
Make-up = My superiors
Mars soon = consumptive, tubercular
Me = Better bean = I can not sing well Me =
-clean cut short for Michele
Me = I Met
I buy cool-he-Person Whose = = chop very scrupulous
Meet You grab, you caught
Meet Now I'll kill you = mass
Miss Cup = I cut the rope

Brick Moon = Mouse = I get up in =
Must-fighting dog, mastiff
Out = High

Pass Leaving Party = = Person confusing tea soon
Pat-a-truck = Big Trouble, problem
Peace a can = not edible mushroom
Peace thin = Person fussy, touchy
Pet Flatulence
= Phil-at = valuable cut of meat
Pick = Piccone
Pin-hot = diminutive of Joseph
Pooh-last = Poor Chicken
cell = Poor Pig
seen = Edible Mushroom valuable
Pump-east = breadcrumbs
Ranch-in = Miser, miser
Root = Broken, out of Scoop us
= slap, slap
Serve Sense out = I = = Wild-cent
Since the sixteenth century
Soon there are lee = = Salto

South South-he-soon Salsiccione
= = Whose Spirit-witty, funny
Spoon to-sea = At \u200b\u200bthis point =
Steel Style, elegance
Stock = This piece
Sue lot onions
Sun Crown = = = Cabbage
Theeth fall But you say you are crazy! The cheese
= Determined, determined
These cows = Scalzo
Three fool-a = = Cut Tie Truffle

To let To = jar
mean = Small cheese
To rent To scan = = Torrente

Us Cigar Italian-us -in = murderer, murderess
Who-rend = Horrid, disgusting. Who
speed all = Hospital


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